Monday, March 14, 2016

Configuring Jaql in your hadoop cluster

Dear Technocrats,

Jaql is an scripting language specifically designed for JSON files. These files are generally generated by web searches for eg. Twitter Analysis.

In this post I am showing the procedure to configure jaql in your hadoop cluster.
Its again very simple procedure to follow up.

Just download jaql tar file online from apache store. keep anywhere in your system and copy its path. Set this path as JAQL_HOME in your bashrc file.

then go to bin and just type ./jaqlshell. You will be redirected to jaql shell prompt for jaql scripting.

Note: adding the path in .bashrc file as as you opened it via vim or gedit
                  $ gedit ~/.bashrc         or       $ vim ~/.bashrc
you will see bashrc file, just go to the end of the file and make the entry of your jaql home as shown below:

Save the file and start ./jaqlshell to do the analysis using jaql. Jaql fits best to analyze the json files as in twitter trend analysis.

Enjoy Jaql scripting.

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